October 22, 2024
Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the qualifications for residency?

The qualifications are:

  • Pregnant applicant at least 18 years of age.
  • Working to complete school primary, secondary or GED.  or 
  • Must be employed or willing to obtain employment.
  • Must agree to pay her financial portion of the cost of the program.
  • Must have private medical insurance or Medicaid.
  • Is able to function independently, physically and emotionally with minimal supervision.
  • Willing to commit to her service plan.
  • If prior substance abuse, must be been stable in recovery and must continuing in her recovery program.
  • Does not possess any health concern which may place her life, the life of her unborn child, or other clients in home in danger.
  • Must Not have a history of causing harm to herself or others.
Q: What is the age range of the clients Angel House Maternity Home?
A: There is no age requirement for admissions. The preferred age range is 18-26.
Q: What is Angel House position on abortion? Can clients who are undecided reside at Angel House Maternity Home?

Angel House Maternity Home does not refer its clients to abortion clinics. The Angel House program is an alternative to an abortion and the clients that enter Angel House program have decided to carry their babies to term.


If a woman has decided to parent her baby, why would she need residential maternity care ?


For a safe place to live, Family and Parenting Support, Financial Assistance, Substance Abuse Treatment, Counseling, Prenatal Care, Education and Vocational training.

Q: How are referrals made?

Anyone can make a referral, a friend, family member, or agency may call Angel House Maternity Home at (704)-392-6270.

Q: Do you pressure clients of Angel House Maternity Home to release their babies for adoption?

Absolutely not! Angel House employees will provide its clients information regarding all of her options, however does not encourage one option over the other, this decision is strictly made by the client.


Do you pay based on your ability to pay or is there financial assistance available?


Funding is available from the State Maternity Fund to assist low-income individuals with the program cost of care. For those who do not qualify for funding there is a sliding fee scale, this is negotiated on an individual basis.


How long can a client stay at Angel House Maternity Home once the baby is born?


Currently once a client has delivered and is discharged from the hospital; they are subsequently discharged from the program, as Angel House is not licensed to house infants.

Q: Which adoption agencies receive babies from Angel House clients?

Angel House residents may choose to work with any licensed adoption agency. Families cannot approach Angel House residents directly regarding adoption. All adoption arrangements are private, highly confidential and facilitated through a licensed agency.


Can families looking for babies approach the clients at Angel House Maternity Home?

A: Families cannot approach Angel House clients directly regarding adoption. All arrangements for adoptions are facilitated through a licensed agency and are deemed private and confidential.